I agree with Trent Lott when he said, " Isn't the President supposed to be our commander and chief? He is acting like the campaigner and chief ". I believe that he is more like the " Fund-raiser and Chief "!
Clinton keeps squawking about the appropriations bills, that haven't been passed, and vetoing this and that. If he is so concerned about these bills ( and funding the government ), then why is he constantly out of D.C., fund raising for the DNC instead of working on these budget compromises? I guess, he knows that his word cannot be trusted in negotiations, so why bother staying, just to concoct some more new lies? Then, when he vetoes or refuses to sign, any appropriations bills or continuing resolutions, causing a government shutdown; he can try to score political points, by blaming the Republicans! This is disgraceful, but easily predictable.
I believe that Bill Clinton is a good campaigner and fund raiser, but a demonstrably, terrible chief executive!
In his years as President, he has neglected everything except his far left-wing liberal social agenda. I suppose, this is why the feminists, far left splinter groups, and other minorities are still supporting our morally bankrupt President. This also explains why our economic and foreign policy concerns, are in such a shambles! Wallstreet is in kamikaze mode. Iraq is defying us and the UN, and Serbia is defying NATO. Terrorism has been poked and stirred up like a hornet's nest ( I am just waiting for the next helpless civilian target to be hit ).
Clinton will be remembered for ( besides his scandals ) defanging the military and his failed attempt at socialized medicine; not balancing the budget ( that was the Republican controlled Congress ). Just imagine what new left-wing wacko entitlements that a Democratically controlled " tax and spend " Congress would have come up with!
Clinton will also be remembered for his fund raising, illegal or not. He is the greatest " Campaigner and Chief ", that this country has ever known. Too bad for us...
We could have used a President, who had his eyes on the work of the Presidency, and not the almighty dollar!
We could have used a President, who thought strategically about foreign policy, and not how he could " wag the dog " to his own personal benefit!
We could have used a President, who was a role model for our kids, and not a poster-boy for sexual promiscuity!
We could have used a President, who told the truth, and not a serial liar, incapable of ever being totally candid!
- Bongo ( hell to the chief... )
Updated ( 10-7-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.