Bob Livingston, fresh from his election as Speaker of the House of Representitives, served up some dried out bacon. He touched upon two topics that were left over from last week. ' Stop concentrating on Ken Starr and look at whether or not Clinton committed the offenses' ; and ' LBJ put the Social Security trust fund on budget in 1967 and the Republicans would move to take it off '. To these issues, he added some of his own clarification. He pointed out, that without the trust fund on budget, it would not have been balanced this year, but have approximately a twenty nine billion dollar deficit ( this may in actuality be a ' stale waffle ', as he may be unconsciously admitting that this Congress didn't really balance the budget, like Republicans have been fond of saying they did ). He promised, if the House Judiciary Committee voted for articles of impeachment to be sent to the full House of Representitives, he would ask Newt Gingrich to bring back the House for a special session this year, to deal with it quickly before the next Congress begins.
Whitehouse scrambled eggs were served with dried out bacon!
When asked if he believed the President had lied under oath, Greg Craig replied, " no ". It is quite understandable for a Whitehouse minion to respond this way. He then put some blinders on and defended the Whitehouse personal attacks on Ken Starr, as pointing out prosecutorial bias? We all saw Starr last week, and this one just doesn't fly any more!
Paul Begala, leaving his brain at home in a jar, repeated the same months old Whitehouse lie that Ken Starr left out Monica Lewinsky's ' didn't ask me to lie ' testimony. Anyone who has read the report, has seen that this is referenced but just not directly quoted. Does the Whitehouse really believe that repeating this lie over and over again enough times, will make it true? Begala's nose continued to grow with two more dubious statements. " The President has publicly admitted his wrong doing and apologized for it. " I don't remember any apology, but a sheepish taking of responsibility and vicious attack on an imagined right wing conspiracy. " OIC has been fast and loose with indictments. " I suppose he is ignoring all the convictions, but focusing on the one acquittal in Whitewater? He was quick to offer up his own learned legal opinion, " The President did not violate any criminal laws, here " ( where, in the studio? ). He must be forgetting the President's own lawyer admitting a false statement to Judge Susan Webber Wright? He finally showed his true bleeding heart liberal, emotional Democrat colors by viciously attacking Ken Starr as ' going after ' people's doctors and babies '. This clearly illustrates the Whitehouse/DNC propensity to bring in emotional hit words associated with children!
Charles Bakaly was the only non-spinmeister making it to brunch. He pointed out that the President, but not the First Lady ( and I use that term lightly ) has been exonerated in Whitewater, adding Filegate and Travelgate have not been completed. He also commented on the sleazy attack the messenger tactics of the Whitehouse, with, " The Whitehouse set out to destroy the prosecutorial authority of an officer appointed by the court ".
Charles Schumer and Asa Hutchinson defaced the nation with their predictable disagreement that perjury is or is not an impeachable offense ( I will let you guess who thought which ).
Bill McCollum and Barney Frank joined the Democrat advocate, Wolf Blitzer, on the Democrat television network CNN. Frank said that he would vote for a censure motion, but McCollum pointed out that this was not a legal option. Frank continued his patented clown act in trying to interrupt McCollum at every turn. Frank expounded that he believes because the word ' lie ' was not directly used, there was no conspiracy of deception between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton. Man, this guy is really out in the ozone! Wolf described the House Judiciary Committee proceeding as an " exercise in futility ". Great Wolf, it is a Constitutional procedure, and your Whitehouse/DNC mindless defender colors are showing! McCollum said he believed that perjury was impeachable and he would vote his conscience and not with the polls! Barney continued his Whitehouse/DNC scripted attack on Ken Starr personally. Michael Zeldin advanced another piece of dried out bacon in repeating the same old Whitehouse lie that Ken Starr withheld information from Janet Reno, in his involvment with the Paula Jones case. You can't withhold something that is ' public common knowledge '!. Dick Thornburg expressed his dismay that the Whitehouse and Democrats were still attacking Ken Starr and not addressing the facts.
' These weak ' participants included: Richard Lugar, Nizar ' Hambone ' Hamdoon, Lindsey Graham and Marty Meehan.
Lugar and Hambone obviously were questioned about the recent failure of Iraq to cooperate with UNSCOM in turning over documents, after promising unfettered cooperation. Lugar said this week was a bad start for UNSCOM and when Clinton returns home, he better get ready for a strike on Iraq. He said, " the inspection cooperation promised, is clearly not occuring ", and " Saddam has gone a long way bluffing America ". First the Iraqis said the document request was provocative, and now they say they are missing. Hambone said, " We are cooperating. Those documents are not available. They were destroyed or missing ". When pressed on this issue, he served up some stale waffles, admitting that an UNSCOM member actually hand one of them in his hand! Cokie Roberts said this reminded her of the Hillary Clinton Whitewater billing records fiasco!
Graham and Meehan squared off on the issue of impeachment. They both agreed that the President should be punished but not on the possible punishment. I'll leave it to you once again, to guess who thought perjury under oath in front of a Federal Grand Jury was impeachable conduct or not. In reference to the partisan Democrat impeachment circus clown act, Lindsey Graham said, " ( they ) Spent eleven and a half hours hearing about how badly someone was treated at the Ritz Carlton ( hotel ) ".
Also in reference to Democrat House of Representitives member attacks on Ken Starr, while they had their chance to ask legitimate questions, Bill Krystal said, " November 19th will go down as a day of disgrace for the Democratic party ".
- Bongo ( Not exactly the buffet from hell. )
Updated ( 11-23-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.