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Bored By Al Gore's Bull!

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a chicken?

Al Gore is a blatant liar, like his mentor, Bill Clinton. Gore is like the elementary school child who lies to his friends in order to seem more important in his own mind. Gore, like the elementary school kid fibbing to his buddies, continues this stupidity of spouting these clearly demonstrable falsehoods, just to be proven a liar over and over again.

Does Gore really think we are all a bunch of morons? Clearly his speech patterns of monotones, delivered in a condescending manner, would suggest that he does. Add the fact that what comes out of his mouth rarely mirrors reality and you have a serial liar with contempt for the common folks on your hands ( not exactly hard to find in Democratic party circles these days )!

" We ( the Clinton/Gore administration? ) have done more from the air ( over Iraq ) the last few years than was done in the Gulf War ", was his latest ' lie du'jour ', delivered glibly on Meet The Press, Sunday December 19th. Like being the object of the movie Love Story ( huh? ), creating the Internet and discovering and curing the pollution problem at the Love Canal; Gore continues this march of incredible, unbelievable, lies which even an elementary school kid can see through with ease!

After Al Gore proclaimed Clinton as one of our nation's greatest presidents ever at Slick Willie's post impeachment party, I knew there was something deeply wrong with this man emotionally.

Argueably, Gore's biggest lie is about his military service in Vietnam. The closest thing he saw to combat, or the closest he got to the real war zone, was smoking marijuana in a Saigon booty-bar while his entourage of body guards waited outside. Gore did not have a normal tour of duty. Besides having a full compliment of body guards to keep him out of trouble and away from the action ( except the night life, ofcourse ), he had a protracted ' semi-tour of duty ' that lasted only a few months. He was the only soldier/journalist who arrived in Vietnam as a ' short-timer ' to begin with!

Lucky for the American people, it is quite easy to tell when Algor is lying...his lips are moving!

- Bongo ( Hug a few trees? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?
Updated ( 12-19-99 )
(c)1999 Bongo.

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