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Beware The Ides of August.

August 1998 was not our best month.

Let's just see what wonderful things happened this August, under Bill Clinton's watch.

1) The President of the United States goes on national television, to admitt that he is an adulterer and a philanderer.

2) The stock market plunges hundreds of points.

3) Two embassies get bombed.

4) Planet Hollywood gets bombed.

5) We spend 75 million bucks on cruise missiles to blow up some tents in Afganistan.

6) We stir up the hornets nest of Islamic terrorists.

7) We squander 5 billion dollars on trying to prop up the corrupt government in Russia.

8) Two Titan II rockets explode with their multi-million dollar payloads.

9) We suspend the inspections of Iraqi suspected weapons of mass destruction sites, before they are completed.

10) The month is not over yet...

- Bongo ( A lame duck by any other name, would smell just as bad. )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Is it really safe in here?

Updated ( 8-27-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.