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The Sunday After: winners gloat and losers whine.

Rationalization Day?

Predictably, all the Democrats threw salt on the wounds of Republicans and blindly repeated the DNC mantra of socialized education and health care, and the lie of ' saving social security first '. Dick Gephardt softened his expected attack on Newt Gingrich a little bit, but Bob Wexler ( a Democrat attack dog who saw the gains in the November 3rd election as an excuse to skip his rabies booster shot ) took partisanship to a new high ( low ) with, " Newt Gingrich is the first casuality of the impeachment process ".

Charles Schumer ( what an embarassment to even Democrats, as only Ted Kenndy is more liberal in the Senate ) took his Sunday television appearences as a chance to really run his mouth! While saying, " I agreed with Bill Clinton on so many issues ", he added, " Anyone who is too far right or too far left, is written out of the picture ". Wait a second, he then proves just how far in the left wing liberal ozone that he is by saying, " I am as pro gun control as they come "? He then went on to preach the benefits of such terrific gun control concepts as built in trigger locks and limiting firearms purchases to only 1 weapon per month. What about the wild west buff who wants to buy a six gun and lever action at the same time? Is this something that should be made illegal? If he is truely as pro gun control as they come, then his goal is to remove all guns from law abiding Americans ( especially handguns ). These pundits will lie to your face in passing any interim gun laws, as the final all encompassing measure, that lead to even more laws, and the eventual confiscation of all guns. This is not a moderate position, no manner how you attempt to twist it! He also expressed his position on the possible impeachment of Clinton as, ' It is clear the President lied in front of the Grand Jury, but it does not rise to an impeachable offense '. What would happen if you or I lied like that to a Grand Jury...jail time, my friends!

Understandably and predictably, the Republicans advanced the issues and had no specific mantra ( I suppose they are getting serious now, finally; after the wake-up call they got on November 3rd ). Their usual mantra of, ' lower taxes, limited government, and a strong defense ', was augmented with, ' not federalized education and health care ', by Steve Largent.

Lindsey Graham was asked questions about the impeachment process and it's connection to the November 3rd election results. " Not a referendum to sweep it under the rug...If the President took the oath and lied to a Federal Grand Jury, I will vote for impeachment. We don't need to make the President, king ". When pressed about moving toward the political center ( moderate ), he remarked about liberalism and the '94 Republican gains in Congress, putting the Democrat losses partially on the President, " Bill Clinton ran as a new Democrat in '92, but came out of the chute as a liberal ".

Bob Livingston on Newt and the 106th Congress. " Newt enabled the process for the Republicans to gain a majority in '94 ". He pledged to introduce a bill in the first days of the new Congress, to take social security out of the budget ( reversing what LBJ did in 1967 ). When pressed on how tough it would be to balance the budget without stealing from the social security trust fund, he said of working non-partisanly with the Democrats, we must " settle our differences by compromise, not dictate ".

John Boehner said of the House leadership change, " Problems managing the House were mostly in the Speaker's office ". On the Republican agenda in general, " Expanding freedoms for Americans, encouraging personal responsibility ". On the 106th Congress, " with a narrow majority you have to develope concensus ". On the omnibus budget agreement railroaded through Congress, " You can put lipstick on a pig all day long, but it's still a pig ".

J.C. Watts ( JC...JC...JC ). Overhaul all aspects of the Republican party, " giving people a seat at the table ". On affirmative action, " We don't have a color blind society. Do away with gender and racial based quotas ". He added, if at all " it should be handled on a state level ".

Some short sound bites would include: Chris Cox, on running for the Speaker of The House, " It's about policy over personality...". Peter Fitzgerald, on making a decision about how to vote on impeachment, " Don't put your finger in the wind...". Steve Largent, on electing a new Speaker of The House, " ...likeable, believable messenger... ".

Democrats better watch out in just how much more partisan they become. They could easily lose any chance of regaining the House in 2000, by being perceived as partisan road blockers of legislation and not compromisers!

Oh yeah, Governor elect Jesse Ventura of the Reform Party ( ' reform ' must stand for reformate and regurgitate the same old baloney ) has learned how to be a politician. When shown one of his campaign ads in which he promises to refund Minnesota's budget surplus to the people of the state, to the tune of a thousand dollars per person; he admitted that there was no surplus and hence, no monetary refund to the people. Yes, Jesse has learned how to make hollow campaign promises ( lies )!

- Bongo ( Hangover is what happens when the rope breaks the first time? )

Opinions expressed here are those of the individuals themselves; and may not necessarily reflect those of BONGO'S FALLOUT SHELTER.

Duck and cover...

Updated ( 11-8-98 )
(c)1998 Bongo.